MURGI PRASHAD ~ Panam Nagar, an ancient city located 23km from the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, was the location for Murgi Prasad, a site specific performa...nce and installation realized during a workshop organized by Britto Arts Trust ~ Walking around Panam, a once thriving cloth trading centre, I discovered Mamun poultry shop in an old neglected building ~ Talking with the owner I realized that his sales weren't going well and I suggested we could organize a Great Opening Event and try to boost his business ~ Over the following days we had a new shop sign painted, made lights in the shape of chickens, distributed promotional posters ~ The facade of the building was covered with hanging chicken baskets to create the image of a flourishing business ~ Inside one of the rooms we wrote on the floor, using 1’000 eggs, the Bengali word Jibon - Life ~ On the opening night the eggs were collocate by the families of Panam Read more